
Once I have completed studying for the post-graduate year in homeopathy, I shall organise a series of workshops on a regular basis, covering topics according to demand.  Numbers will be limited and will be held either at my clinic, 13 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau, CHB, or at my home at Te Paerahi Pōrangahau.  Information will be sent out by email or Facebook. 

These workshops will include an Introduction to Homeopathy, and will be free of charge.  This will introduce the theory and philosophy of homeopathy, and touch briefly on some of the more well-known remedies. It is important to have this basic knowledge of homeopathy in order to get the best results from further workshops.

Other workshops will focus on First Aid in the Home and on the Farm, Homeopathy for the Traveller, Homeopathy for Gardeners,The Good News about Menopause, Management of Menstrual Disorders (aimed at teenagers), Musculo-skeletal issues, Sports injuries, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Earaches and coughs in the early years. The cost per person for these workshops is $25, which includes a booklet to take home. Other topics will be introduced depending upon demand.

Attendance will be on a first registered basis, so if you are interested in any of the above, send me an email (contact form) and I shall ensure that you are informed once a workshop has been finalised. For any particular workshop, or covering a topic not mentioned above, I can organise a workshop providing there is a minimum of 4 participants.

Jude Henry
Classical Homeopath
Waipukurau, Central Hawkes Bay (CHB)